Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency efforts are mostly related to:
- Energy saving programs
This type of effort include improvements of efficiency of existing equipment and system, without any changes in production process of plant, or energy system supplying.
- Heat and electrical energy efficiency improvement, by implementing new or dismantling of old equipment
This type of measurement is including investment with short energy efficiency improvement , with financial payback trough energy savings.
First groups of measurements includes initiatives and measurements according to managing and decreasing energy consumption without changing process and with using energy waste:
- Equipment detention without idling loss
- Decreasing of process temperature
- Limitation of warm water usage for cleaning
- Consumption energy monitoring
- Supervision and managing electrical energy consumption for peak load decreasing
- Equipment maintaining
- Elimination of steam leaking, water, compressed air and vacuum
- Improvement operation planning
- Pipeline isolation improvement
- Automatic temperature control
- Central heating and air conditioning control
- Compensation of reactive energy
- Waste fluid preheating
- Installation of heat exchangers
Second group of measurements includes production process changing and implementation of technical innovation:
- Changing production plant parts with new one
- Reconstruction of steam and warm water installations
- Installation of high efficient boilers
- Changing of indirect drying with heating air to direct hot process gas drying
- Implementation of cogeneration-combine heat and power production from one energy source